When Ride-shares Go Wrong - USA TODAY
11 New or Rectified JANE-JITSU Instructors from....
Romance Scams
Identity Theft Awareness Week Jan 29 to Feb 2nd, 2024! Identify Theft happens in every community! See Important information from the FTC.
New Instructor Certification Available - Fall - 2022

Instructor Certification and re-certification! Defend University will be hosting a 2-day intensive Jane-Jitsu instructor program. This program is designed to allow you to return to your community, Academy, or school and share your knowledge to educate and empower others.

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Keep Your Head on a Swivel and Watch Your Six!

You may have jogged the same route hundreds of times without incident; however, this time, something happens, and it's an incident that will leave you with a horrific memory. In this case, you were blitzed from behind by your attacker! It's tough to defend the blitz attack because you don't see it coming. Anytime you are around strangers, you need to employ situational awareness (be in tune with what's happening around you).

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Steve Kardian
Time For A Change

Greetings Everyone!

It’s been a rough 18 months, but I hope everyone is getting back to normal. Carol Ann and I started teaching in early May with a private seminar in Virginia and a Students in Transition seminar prepping Bronxville High School Seniors for their freshman year of college. It is a great feeling to be back.

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Steve Kardianchanges
Core Certification Courses in New York And Brooklyn!

Happy 2020 everyone! I hope everyone’s new year is off to a great start! We will be teaching the Core Certification on February 8th and 9th at the Pratt Institute and in Westchester County on April 18th and 19th! If you are in the area, and you want to come to either course, use the button below to apply today!

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Amanda Porteus
Why We Are The Future Of Women's Self-Defense

If you haven’t watched the video on our home page, here it is below. It is self-explanatory. We are the future of women’s self-defense. We teach women how to fight like women not men. Our techniques are able to be successfully executed by women of all ages and walks of life, and they are able to learn them fast. Hear from our own instructors why they believe our method is the best for teaching women no matter their experience to defend themselves.

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Amanda Porteus